- Small forest patrol complex on the basis of "UAZ-farmer" - 4 units.
- Complete set MLPK: RDV (capacity for water 500 liters.) - 1 piece; high-pressure self-priming
motor pump with a set of sleeves - 1 pc .; high-pressure fire-fighting installation - 1 pc .;
fire-brigade fire-fighting RP-18 "Ermak" - 5 units; an incendiary device AZ-4 - 1 unit; blower - 1
units; shovels - 5 pcs .; ax-hoe - 2 pieces; chainsaw: 1 pc.
- Fire truck tanker AC-3 on the basis of GAZ 53 high throughput AC 3.0-40 (33086) - 5VR.
- cargo-and-passenger ATV - 4 units.
- quad bike for movement through snow and swamp - 8 units.
- MTZ-82 wheeled tractor with 2 plows.
- vehicles for the transport of personnel and patrols - 10 units.
- portable radio stations, GPS-navigators, satellite phone, police video recorders, electromogaphone and whistles.
- medical first-aid kits, personal protective equipment (gas masks, respirators, dressings packages, helmets, gloves).