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About the park

General information

  • March 5, 1991- date of establishment of the park
  • 568.43 square meters. km (568 thousand hectares) - Area of the park
  • 52 km - length of the park from south to north
  • 10-15 km -  length of the park from west to east - on average  
  • 52 588 hectares (93%) (93%) - areas covered with forest 
  • 14 hectares - bogs 
  • 54 hectares - rivers
  • 608 hectares - roads, clearings
  • 509 hectares - pastures, hayfields 
  • 1791 hectares - bald mountains, slashes, wastelands 
  • 1268 hectares - homesteads


  • The average annual air temperature is – + 0.85 ° C (in valleys) and -1.8 ° C (in the mountains).
  • The maximum is – + 38 ° С.
  • Minimum - up to - 50 ° С.
  • СThe average annual rainfall is - 658 mm (in valleys) and 1000 mm (in the mountains)


In total there are 9 ranges of meridional strike in the park.

  • The largest ridge is the - Big Taganay, 26 km long..
  • The highest point of the Big Taganay Range and the entire park is the Kruglitsa Mountain (1177.8 m).
  • The largest stone placer is – the Big Stone River with a length of 6 km, a width of 100-200 m, a depth of 4-6 m..

The hydrological network is 0,16% of the total park area.

  • The park has 15 rivers, 37 streams, 26 springs, 27 marshes..
  • The longest river is – the Great Kialim, a length of 46 km, in the park -  22 km.
  • The largest swamp is – the Great Moss Swamp or the Kialim fold - 36 sq. km.


  • 680 Ma age of Taganay metamorphic rocks
  • 1,3 billion years - Age of Taganay magmatic rocks

Minerals and rocks

  • 127 minerals
  • over 35 rocks
  • 10 - mine workings (pits) 


In the park there are 749 species of vascular plants:

  • 42 species are included in the Red Book of the Chelyabinsk region;
  • 12 species are included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation;
  • 20 species are endemic to the Urals and the Urals;
  • over 27 – species are relict plants.

There are about30 species of trees,, of which - 14 are forest-forming species..
Fromthe lower plant-forms it is known:

  • 13 species of moss;
  • 180 species of lichens;
  • 457 species of mushrooms.

Animal world

The territory of the park is inhabited by: 

  • 56 species of mammals;
  • 192 species of birds;
  • 6 species of reptiles;
  • 3 species of amphibians;
  • 14 species of fish;

The number of invertebrate species is about 1 thousand species.
Of the total number of species of wildlife living in the national park in the Red Book of the Chelyabinsk region included 73 species:

  • 7 species of mammals;
  • 18 species of birds;
  • 2 species of reptiles;
  • 4 species of fish;
  • 42 species of insects;
  • 1 species of mollusks.

The Red Data Book of the Russian Federation includes 17 species: 

  • 1 species of mammals;
  • 9 species of birds;
  • 4 species of fish;
  • 3 types of insects. 

The Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature includes 2 types:

  • 1 species of mammals;
  • 1 species of insects.
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