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Ecological classes

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Schedule for OCTOBER 2017:

Eco lesson "Water of Russia" (Taganay rivers and springs) + excursion to the Museum of Nature or Master-class (optional)


The purpose of the eco-lesson is to form a responsible attitude of schoolchildren to the water resources of Russia (including Taganay) and to convey to schoolchildren the basic principles of saving water in everyday life.


Date: November 11, 2017 at 12.00

Total duration of the lesson: 1.5 hours

Location: Central Manor or eco-classroom

Excursion: Museum of Nature (or master class)

Number of people: 15

Materials and handouts: provided by the National Park

Age: 2-5 grades

Price: 800 rubles

We can come to educational institutions (schools, kindergartens).


Schedule for NOVEMBER 2017:

Eco-lesson "How to live in the city environmentally" + a master class (or excursion to the Museum of Nature)

The goal of the eco-lesson is to form a responsible attitude of schoolchildren to the state of the environment and to encourage them to apply environmentally friendly habits in everyday life.

Date: November 18, 2017 at 12.00

Total duration of the lesson: 1.5 hours

Location: Central Manor or eco-classroom

Number of people: 15

Materials and handouts: provided by the National Park

Age: 2-5 grades

Price: 800 rubles

We can come to educational institutions (schools, kindergartens).


Eco-lesson "Keepers of Water" + excursion to the Museum of Nature (or master class)

Eco-lesson "Water Keepers" helps to solve one of the most urgent tasks of modern education - environmental education of schoolchildren with an emphasis on everyday water conservation practices.

Date: November 25, 2017 at 12.00

Total duration of the lesson: 1.5 hours

Location: Central farmstead, eco-class

Excursion: Museum of Nature

Number of people: 15

Materials and handouts: provided by the National Park

Age: 2-5 grades

Price: 800 rubles

We can come to educational institutions (schools, kindergartens).


All-Russian Reserve Lesson

In the year of ecology, on the Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks of the country, the Project "All-Russian Reserve Lesson» was launched, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Russian reserve system. Its organizers are the ANO EcoCenter "Zapovedniki" with the information support of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia and the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. The project has already involved 19,736 training organizations, 154 SPNT (Specially Protected Natural Territories of Russia), 543,512 students.


The project's objective is to tell about the country's protected system: how, by whom, why it was created, how it works now, how unique are the protected areas of the country, and also about the nearest reserves.


This project involves 2 lessons - the All-Russian reserve lesson (about the Russian protected system) and the Regional lesson (a reserve lesson dedicated to the SPNTs of your region).


Classes can be taught by teachers of schools, institutions of additional education, universities, heads of children's clubs, employees of environmental education departments of SPNTs, activists of the movement of Friends of Protected Islands (FPI), etc. Classes are designed for different target audiences.


The Taganay National Park, for its part, has already prepared materials and offers the Regional Lesson "Journey through Taganay" (eco-lesson) on the park site in the children's ecological center "Taganay". As part of the eco-lesson, information will be provided on the Taganay National Park in a presentation format with interactive elements, a blitz-testing, an excursion to the Nature Museum and rewarding souvenirs of the most active participants in the lesson.


Applications for an eco-lesson can be sent to the post office: beber@taganay.org


For those who want to participate in the project on their own, you have to register at the site заповедныйурок.рф


Step 1. Register on the site заповедныйурок.рф


Step 2. Check the correctness of the fields in the "Profile" section


Step 3. Add a place where you are going to conduct a lesson (school, kindergarten, etc.) in the "Places of conduction"


Step 4. Download the materials of the All-Russian reserved lesson and the Regional lesson "Journey through Taganay" in the section "Available lessons"


Step 5. Conduct the lesson.


Also, within the framework of the All-Russian Reserve Lesson project and the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Russian reserve system, friends of the "reserved islands" are invited to participate in the flash mob. Join now!

Congratulate your "Reserve Island" with the 100th anniversary of the Reserve System!

You can download an already prepared postcard, sign it, take a picture and put it on social networks with hashtags

#друзьязаповедныхостровов #заповедныйурок #заповеднаяроссия 
#100летзаповеднойсистеме #таганай #национальныйпарктаганай 

or go to the заповедныйурок.рф and independently generate a postcard! (look the Instruction).

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