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“March of Parks – 2018”

You were there?

"March of Parks" is an international action to support specially protected natural areas (SPNA) in Russia and neighboring countries.​




The motto of the March of Parks is 2018:

Youth and nature - a common future


Few people have doubts that the climate is changing.

It is noticeable everywhere: unusual weather phenomena (rains in winter, hail in summer, changes in daily temperatures), increasing of frequency and strength of droughts, forest fires; loss of crops ...

However, in 20-30 years a catastrophe can happen. And those who now go to kindergarten, study at school or university, will have to live and work in a new, extremely difficult world.

So that they have a chance to cope, we need to train the younger generation today to appreciate and protect nature. It is our only hope for acceptable environmental conditions.

One of the main tasks of the March of Parks is the involvement of children and young people in the active and conscious protection of nature. 2018 is declared in Russia Year of the volunteer, which can be a good additional incentive for young people to join in the arrangement of their future.

The time has come for active action, demanded by both nature and society. Let's act together. Let us help preserve valuable natural territories, take part in the actual environmental activities of our region,  or even initiate them.


We have no time for doubts.


In 2018, within the framework of the "March of Parks" action, the NG "Taganay" invites children to participate:

  1. In the local stage of the Poster Competition of the Center for Conservation of Wildlife "We will preserve the reserve nature" (for children under 18);
  2. In the contest of environmental research works on specially protected natural areas of the Chelyabinsk region (for students of the 5 th, 6 th and 7 th grades of all types of educational organizations).
  3. In the contest of environmental projects, that was implemented in 2017 (for students 8th, 9th and 10th grades of all types of educational organizations);
  4. In the contest of creative works "Awakening of Spring" (for pupils of preschool educational organizations and students from 1 to 4 classes of all types of educational organizations)

We wish you success!


Position of the local stage of the International Environmental Action "March of Parks - 2018" (with attachments)

The protocol of the posters contest The world of the nature reserve

The protocol of the competition IED


Regulations on the competition of children's creativity "Awakening of Spring" (with attachment)

Protocol Awakening of spring

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