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The forest department is a structural subdivision of the FSBI "Taganay National Park".

Forestry "Taganay National Park" is a territorial unit of management in the field of use, protection, protection and reproduction of forests. The forest area is 56 843 hectares, it is located on the lands of two municipalities of the Chelyabinsk region - Zlatoust urban district and Kusinsky municipal district.

Territorial subdivision into four local forest districts: Yurminsky - an area of ​​8,342 hectares (60 forest quarters), Shumginskoye - an area of ​​15,283 hectares (116 forest blocks), Taganayskoye - an area of ​​17,978 hectares (91 forest districts), Chernorechenskoye - an area of ​​15,240 hectares (93 forest quarter). For the designated purpose, the forests of the national park are protected forests. The category of protective forests is forests located in specially protected natural areas. The legal regime of the park forests is determined by the Forest Code of the Russian Federation and Federal Law No. 33-FZ "On Specially Protected Natural Territories".

93% of the national park area is covered with forests (forest vegetation). 7% - non-forest lands of the forest fund: roads, rocks, water, swamps, forest infrastructure. The total stock of plantations of the park is 10 million 113 thousand cubic meters.

The forest department of the FSBI National Park "Taganay" performs the main tasks assigned to the park:

- conservation of natural complexes, natural sites and objects;

- restoration of disturbed natural complexes and objects;

- creating conditions for regulated tourism and recreation;

- implementation of state environmental monitoring of the environment.



P6216941.JPGJulia Olkova - Deputy Director for Forestry, Deputy Chief State Inspector for Environmental Protection of the Taganay National Park.

Education: Ural State Forestry Institute

Work experience in forestry is more than 28 years.


· Organization and implementation of measures for protection, security and reproduction of forests, conservation of natural complexes and facilities in the park.

· Strategic and current planning of fire-prevention arrangement of territory.

· Control over the implementation of the fire-prevention arrangement of the territory.

· Organization of activities to identify external borders, land issues.

· Organization of state environmental monitoring of the environment in the park.


1993. Badge "For saving and increasing the forest wealth of Russia".

2002. Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation for many years of conscientious work.

2003 The sign "X years of service in the state forest protection of the Russian Federation".

2011 Badge "Honored Worker of the Forest".

2011 Certificate of honor of the Head of the City of Zlatoust for long-term conscientious work and a great personal contribution to the development of the reserve business, 2011

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