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Department for Scientific Work and Environmental Education

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Scientific work in the National Park "Taganay" is conducted from the moment of its formation by the staff members of the scientific department and with the involvement of specialists from research institutions and universities. The results of scientific research are summarized in the annual Nature Annals reports.

In the scientific work, which is conducted in the park, you can identify two areas. The first is inventory, accounting and monitoring, giving an idea of ​​the state of the biotic and abiotic components of the ecosystem. The second is special work in the field of recreation, environmental education, preservation of the natural and historical heritage and information support. Materials of scientific research form the basis for activities, aimed for the rational use and protection of flora and fauna, and ecosystems in general.

The goal of the environmental education of the department's employees is to form an understanding of the modern role of specially protected natural areas in preserving the biological and landscape diversity of the planet, and to promote the dissemination of information about the Park and the formation of positive attitude towards it and provide effective public support for the Park as an object of national heritage.

Ecological education is an indispensable condition for the formation of environmental awareness, attitudes and behavior of visitors. The priority target group for the environmental education of the Division is schoolchildren and young people. The park actively cooperates with educational institutions, district and local educational authorities of the Chelyabinsk region.

Employees of the Department prepare and conduct special environmental actions and events timed to environmental holidays and dates, organize volunteer actions in the park, participate in the development of projects for ecological paths, museums and visitor centers, conduct exhibition activities and informational support for the activities of the Park.


Novosyolova Elvina Gennadievna - deputy director of scientific work and environmental education.

Work experience in the institution: since 2012

Education: International Institute of Economics and Law, South Ural State University.


Sereda Marina Sergeevna - the main expert on scientific work and ecological and educational activity.

Work experience in the institution: since 1992.

Education: Perm State University.

Honors and awards:

2008 - Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation.

2012 - the sign "Honored Worker of the Forest"


Vera Zhuravleva - research worker

Work experience in the institution: since 1994.

Education: Miass Geological Exploration Technical School

Honors and awards:

2006 - Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation.

2011 - Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation.


Beberstein Ekaterina Nikolaevna - Specialist in Ecological and Educational Activity

Work experience in the institution: since 2014.

Education: South Ural State University


Gladysheva Inna Andreevna - Public Relations Specialist

Work experience in the institution: since 2014.

Education: South Ural State University, Moscow School of Journalism.

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