- Federal Law "On Specially Protected Natural Territories" FZ-33 Adopted by the State Duma on February 15, 1995
- Forest Code of the Russian Federation
- Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of March 5, 1991 "On the establishment of the Taganay National Park"
- Statute of the Federal State Budget Office "National Park" Taganay "
- The National Park Regulations of 25 February 2015
- Forest management regulations of forestry "National park" Taganay "
- License for extinguishing forest fires
- Cadastral information about the national park "Taganay".
- The concept of development of the system of specially protected natural territories of federal significance for the period up to 2020
- Resolution of the All-Russian Conference "Prospects for the Development of Cognitive Tourism in Specially Protected Areas of Federal Significance
- Order FGBU NP "Taganay" On the introduction of payment for visiting the territory "
- Supplement to the order of payment per visit privilege
- Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources On the coordination of the draft order on approval of the amount of payment for visiting the Taganay National Park
- The prices for paid services rendered to FGBU "National Park" Taganay "to organizations and the population (18.04.2016)
- The order "On the approval of prices for certain types of paid services provided to organizations and the population" No. 219 of October 25, 2016
- The prices for paid services rendered by FGBU "National Park" Taganay "in 2017
- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2007 No. 417 "On Approval of Fire Safety Rules in Forests"
- License for extinguishing forest fires
- List of recommended measures to improve working conditions
- Summary sheet of the results of the special assessment of working conditions
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